
Our beautiful village has so many opportunities to get involved: volunteer, join a club, participate in programs, and see what’s going on in our houses of worship!

Why volunteer? Why join a group? Why get involved?

With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to get involved. However, the benefits of volunteering and joining groups can be enormous. Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, worthwhile causes, and the community, but the benefits can be even greater for you. The right match can help you to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness.

Boy Scout Troop 121 Join Scouts 6th grade and up 121gwl@gmail.com
Committee for Humane Geese Control Volunteer Group helps lessen and control our geese population. Volunteers with kayaks, canoes and boats are needed every April. joycedannheim@aol.com
Cub Scout Pack 121 Join Cub Scouts grades 1-5 pack121gwl@gmail.com
East Arm Rowing Club Join Beginner to competitive rowing info@eastarm.org
Grow Local Greenwood Lake Join A movement to create a regenerative, resilient, local food system growlocalgwl@gmail.com
GWL Ambulance Corps Volunteer Help those in need. Training available 845-477-2200 or Click here>>
GWL American Legion Join Veterans and active military 845-477-2193
GWL American Legion Auxiliary Join Support our veterans, active duty military & our local community 845-477-2193
GWL Antlers Join Youth members do community service kcross1@optonline.net
GWL Bark Park Volunteer Dedicated volunteers run and maintain the GWL Bark Park info@greenwoodlakebarkpark.org
GWL Chamber of Commerce Join Businesses that are part of the community christinemoley@gmail.com
GWL Community Garden Join Like to Garden? Plots are available right in town where you can grow your own garden. izzyrykowski@yahoo.com
GWL Elks Lodge 2067 Join Invest in their communities elks2067@gmail.com
GWL Fire Department Volunteer Training available info@glfd.us
GWL Food Pantry Volunteer Helping to feed those in need in our Community greenwoodlakefoodpantry@gmail.com
GWL Gaelic Cultural Society Join Irish Heritage mattybuc7@yahoo.com
GWL Girl Scouts Join For girls ages 5 to 18 amhk24@gmail.com
GWL Library Participate Daily public programs and activities for adults and children 845-477-8377
GWL Lions Club Join We serve the community and those in need. New members welcome. gwllionsclub@gmail.com
GWL Little League/Softball Join Baseball ages 4-15 Tav705@aol.com
GWL PTSA Join Parent/Teacher/Student Association – provides programming for both the GWL Elementary School & Middle School gwlptsa@gmail.com
GWL Senior Center Participate Recreation programming for seniors 845-477-8482
GWL Skate Park Corp. Participate Committee to raise funds for future skate park in GWL info@gwlskatepark.com
GWL Soccer Club Join Travel and Recreation Soccer for ages 4-14 holderkatheleen@yahoo.com
GWL Community Center Join Every Tuesday: Students from 2nd-6th Grade • Every Wednesday: Students from 6th-8th Grade • Hours: 4-6PM 845-477-9215
GWL Theater Join Active non-profit professional theater group info@greenwoodlaketheater.org
Meals on Wheels RSVP/Americore Volunteer Delivering meals to those in need and many other volunteer opportunities in Orange County. Must be 55+ szambrzycki@orangecountygov.com
Melinda’s Music Participate Free online social music group melindasmusic@cs.com
B’Nai Torah Shul Join An open doors community to all curious about Judaism and the loving kindness It seeks to spread. bnaitorahshul@gmail.com or
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepard Join 845-477-2191
Grace Lutheran Church Join 845-477-3384
Holy Rosary Church Join holy_rosary_gwl@yahoo.com